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      quartz rose is a gemstone of incomparable beauty and softness. Its delicate color and translucency make it a highly prized gem in jewelry and lithotherapy.

      Pink quartz takes its name from its pale pink hue, which can vary from light pink to more intense pink. It is a stone associated with love, compassion and emotional healing. It is said to open the heart and promote unconditional love, inner peace and harmony.

      In addition to its symbolic properties, quartz rose is renowned for its energetic benefits. It is considered a calming stone that helps reduce stress, anxiety and emotional tension. It is said to promote self-confidence, self-esteem and the healing of past wounds.

      On a physical level, quartz rose is also associated with a number of benefits. It is reputed to help balance the circulatory system, regulate blood pressure and promote peaceful sleep. Some even believe it can support the healing process for skin conditions and heart-related problems.

      In lithotherapy, quartz rose is often used as a healing and emotional support stone. It is used in meditation, reiki and other energetic practices to promote inner calm and emotional balance.

      In conclusion, quartz rose is a gemstone of great gentleness and bewitching beauty. Whether for its symbolic, energetic properties or its physical benefits, quartz rose is a versatile gem that brings a touch of tenderness and harmony to those who wear it. Whether in the form of jewelry or a decorative object, quartz rose is a natural treasure that brings love and serenity into our lives.