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      Cat's eye is a fascinating and mysterious stone that takes its name from its unique optical effect. This gemstone, also known as shimmering chrysoberyl, features a luminous band that resembles a cat's eye. When the stone is moved, this band seems to come alive and move, creating a mesmerizing effect.

      Cat's eye is prized for its distinctive beauty and shimmer. Its basic color can vary from green to brown, but it's the shimmering effect that gives it all its magic. This effect is due to the presence of tiny parallel fiber-like inclusions inside the stone, which reflect light in a special way.

      Energetically, cat's eye is considered a stone of protection and harmony. It is said to repel negative energies and promote mental clarity. Cat's eye is reputed to help overcome obstacles and make informed decisions. It also encourages intuition and perception, offering deep insight and subtle understanding of situations.

      The cat's eye is often associated with self-confidence and decision-making. It is said to help develop a sense of inner confidence and stability, enabling one to face challenges with courage and determination. Cat's eye is also considered a stone of good fortune, attracting abundance and favorable opportunities.

      In jewelry, cat's eye is used to create elegant and captivating pieces. Rings, necklaces and bracelets adorned with cat's eye highlight its shimmering effect, adding a touch of mystery and elegance to any outfit.

      Symbolically, the cat's eye represents intuition, protection and trust. It reminds us of the importance of remaining attentive to our environment, listening to our instincts and trusting our own inner wisdom. The cat's eye invites us to observe situations with clarity and discernment, guiding us towards the right decisions and the most beneficial paths.

      In conclusion, cat's eye is a gemstone that captivates with its unique optical effect and shimmering brilliance. It offers not only visual beauty, but also energetic benefits. Whether for its protection, harmony or stimulation of intuition, cat's eye is a stone that brings balance and confidence to those who wear it.