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Discover collection L’attrape-cœur from Poiray, a jewelry line that captures the essence of love and passion. Inspired by the timeless symbol of the dream catcher, this collection embodies the idea of capturing life's emotions and precious moments.

Jewelry from collection L’attrape-cœur is designed with care, using high-quality materials such as 18-carat gold and sparkling diamonds. Each piece is a declaration of love in itself, with delicate details and impeccable finishes that testify to the brand's exceptional craftsmanship.

Poiray's collection L’attrape-cœur rings are true works of art. They are adorned with delicate motifs representing the woven threads of a dream catcher, symbolizing protection and happiness. Whether you're looking for an elegant solitaire ring, a sparkling wedding band or a daring cocktail ring, this collection offers a variety of styles to suit all tastes and occasions.

Earrings from collection L’attrape-cœur add a touch of romance to your style. From delicate creoles to graceful ear pendants, these jewels sublimate your face with elegance. The refined details of the dreamcatchers, combined with sparkling diamonds, create the perfect balance between femininity and sophistication.

Poiray's collection L’attrape-cœur necklaces are real gems that enhance your look. The dream-catcher pendants hang from fine chains, creating a captivating effect. Whether worn alone or layered with other necklaces, they are eye-catching and add a touch of poetry to your décolletage.

Poiray's collection L’attrape-cœur is a timeless symbol of love and connection. These jewels are designed to capture life's precious moments and express the deepest feelings. Whether to celebrate an anniversary, a wedding or simply to show your affection, Poiray's collection L’attrape-cœur jewelry is the perfect choice to express your love with style and elegance.